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  1. Genghis Cane

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Here’s the thing, you can make the argument players shouldn’t snitch and that things should be handled in-house, but what happens when that doesn’t work? Because clearly that approach has failed. None of the players are holding each other accountable. We got dudes laughing on the sidelines...
  2. Genghis Cane

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    This column was eye opening. We complain about the coaching a lot, but we also have a roster full of apathetic players. At some point, some leaders need to step up and raise the accountability. It’s clear the coaches can’t handle that on their own.
  3. Genghis Cane

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.