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  1. Dees Brown

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    In what way? Only the production was high. Percy Harvin could smoke and drink all night, and still give you 200 all purpose yards and 2 tubs
  2. Dees Brown

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Nope. I have a cousin who was terror. My aunt punished him , spank him, etc. She even sent him to one of those all boys boarding schools in Nebraska. To this day, he is still ******* up. Some toys just come out of the factory broken. Myself, i woke one morning when I was 12, i said to myself...
  3. Dees Brown

    Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

    Wait, didn't this same thing happen at Florida under Urban Meyer? Did they not respect Urban? I am calling out coaches when necessary, but same goes for players. I can't put laziness and immaturity on the coach. Either you have the dog in you or you dont. It's the production tolerance argument.