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  1. RVACane

    Billboard update

    Yes he calls people names. That’s a fact on here. I don’t know anything about the ticket officer or the parade, the latter of which I paid no attention to as that’s just not my thing. And to be clear, I’m not endorsing or down talking banners and signs. I’m just watching Ernie the windbag lie...
  2. RVACane

    Billboard update

    I consider you an agitating troll who told an outright lie, got called on it and won’t own up to it like a stand up guy would. You owe @NicKane an apology.
  3. RVACane

    Billboard update

    Nice deflection and excuse to avoid answering the question you know you lied about. I’m not letting it go. Do you admit that @NicKane ’s banner flew with the words set forth in the picture he provided, as confirmed by Manny Navarro?
  4. RVACane

    Billboard update

    It’s not about defending @NicKane though I like Nick and consider him a friend on here. His insults aren’t on a level of that guy taking shots at people with disabilities but keep deflecting. The issue isn’t Nick calling straight people maricones. It’s about you characterizing his banner as...
  5. RVACane

    Billboard update

    Whatever your opinions on the billboard or banner, I don’t care, but how was his banner fake when it was reported and tweeted out by Manny Navarro? I mean fair is fair, be accurate. And why do you care so much about it to come in here and go post-ballistic??? Whether you agree with their...
  6. RVACane

    Billboard update
