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  1. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    I ain’t begging for nothing sport! Last banner was grassroots crowd funded because people were banging on the door to donate and call out this pop warner administration. This time banner is completely on me bootlicker. Highsmith was the last straw for me and I wipe my *** with 500$! Lmao so look...
  2. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    Money ain’t a thing to me sport, I got plenty of it! And I can tell you who won’t be getting any of it anymore and that’s UM! And I can tell you who will be getting it now, banner and billboard companies! 😂🤣 look up in the sky game one against temple Hecht center stooge. Lmao
  3. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    Deflect this 🖕 lmao oh and that’s the same message I gave the ticket salesman as a response for my season ticket renewal. You know, now that I think of it, was that you who called me and I told to shove those tickets up your @ss?! I mean you are a Hecht center shill employee, so do you work In...
  4. NicKane

    Season Tickets

  5. NicKane

    Season Tickets

  6. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    No need sport, this banner is being 100% funded by yours truly! Plus I wouldn’t touch your garbage slurping bootlicking scumbag money with a ten foot pole. Lmao
  7. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    It says I’m a man of my word unlike you sport! I say I’m gonna do something and I do it. Just like I’m gonna fly another banner game one and just like I told the ticket office to take my renewal and shove it up there culo! Lmao
  8. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s the video I was able to get of the plane flying overhead here at Marlins Park 2 hours before kickoff. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Manny Navarro (@Manny_Navarro) <a href="">November 23...
  9. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    I’ll tell you what will go right to the top sport, a massive decrease in season ticket sales that puts things into the red! And with the way things are going with Manure & Flake, that’s pretty much a guarantee!
  10. NicKane

    Season Tickets

    When they called me to renew mine I let them have it! I made it crystal clear to the ticket office that they won’t be getting a single dime out of me until manny, Blake are fired and the BOT starts running this program like a five time national champion deserves! Till then they can take there...