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    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Congrats on outing yourself as a self loathing, hate filled, racist on a Football message board. Maybe look in the mirror personally at your own life choices before blaming the white man for everything. What price exactly does the entire white race have to pay that would satisfy you, because...

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Sooooo, you don't like or trust all white people. Got it. With your outlook, humanity has 0 chance to be less tribal. I feel sorry for you. I'll use the ignore button now because I don't associate with racists.

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Benevolent white mind?? Eat A Diick. Who are you. Cornell F'ing West? To address a couple points: If I ever speak to a ****** person still receiving compensation I will tell him I am not for anyone receiving anything for something that happened before their lifetime so long as people today are...

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    That's how you are interpreting what I am implying. That is not at all what I am trying to say, and mechanisms like you calling me a racist for having the audacity to have an opinion is why we are where we are. Can we not just have an honest conversation with different views without screaming...

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    What's so BS about this crazy idea the best candidate should get the job?

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    It's also wrong now for anyone to I feel for his brother. Why should ANYONE be judged by the past sins of those before him? Instead of staying angry about how bad past generations had it, maybe everyone should concentrate on healing, growing & eradicating the victim mentality that has plagued...