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  1. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Nahhh man..stuff like this didn’t’s all Hollywood know a story that sells..all made up bruh🤣
  2. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Yeah but that has nothing to do with we were discussing point was which portion of minorities benefited the most from civil rights and AA..studies have shown it to be White college educated women
  3. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    I never said you were racist...I’d say your blind to reality. The reality is you may not personally see the evidence of the effects from the past in your own life but that does not mean the issues don’t persist. And ppl who call it out are not playing a victim card. It’s flat out disrespectful...
  4. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Exactly. But we live in a imperfect world based on perfect’s why Acts like AA were needed to break down this is not understood, fought against or not accepted is beyond me
  5. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    I didn’t generalize anything..but by you being white you did benefit from the systematic inequality....I’m sorry to burst your bubble🤷🏾‍♂️.
  6. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Lol I’ve never played a victim card..but I know racism still exist till this day. Was first called a ****** when I was 7 by a 8 year old white kid because my little league coach put me lead off in the lineup. I didn’t know what the word meant truly until I told my 14 year old brother and mom...
  7. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    So why ask, friend? I’m sure by now u have googled them tho lol
  8. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Understand why programs like affirmative action/civil rights actions were needed in the first place. Understand the racist, sexist history of the nation that. Dates back 200 plus years. Understand the ideals that this country stands by but didn’t always practice..what you stated in your previous...
  9. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Allow Google to be your friend, friend
  10. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Anymore Affirmation Action Victims who wish to share..the floors yours
  11. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    ohh CIS really on the BS today
  12. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Okay, fair Enough. Can I make a suggestion tho,..better yet a request..can you change your screen name to Danny vineyard Cane..or Derek vinyard cane..would be awesome 😊
  13. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    So how does your brother know the black man didn’t Ace the test?..**** how does your brother know the man made use of the “tutor” or extra time..I went to school and graduated HS in south Florida. Obviously a high number of immigrants/bi lingual students. Those students are allowed a translation...
  14. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Okay..ima take your word for it..tho I doubt that’s how it went reason to call u a flat out liar..I’ll just end by saying this, the affirmative action movement had the most profound impact on white college educated woman in America more than any other minority.
  15. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Lmaoo..right..this why I was gonna ignore it..but **** I give in. A government intelligence agency allowing a tutor and extra time in a exam..then the other candidates allowed to know the scores of each other to determine who did better than who..that’s a new one
  16. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    I know I said I wasn’t gonna touch this..but I must do you the know Blackman who I guess needed a tutor for the FBI exam (never heard such thing as a US citizen being afforded a tutor for a government intelligence agency job exam) didn’t “ace” the exam..was your brother told the scores...
  17. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Bro..idek why you touched this mans pulled a story from American History X
  18. 305to954

    Uncle luke canceling fsu

    Ohhh my goodness