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  1. The Franchise

    Lashlee is a horrible hire

    That’s why I was careful to word it with “better players” not necessarily better talent. I watched a few SMU games this year, and the QB and WRs looked like better players than our guys. Of course, a lot of that could be a direct result of the scheme/spacing/tempo and all that good stuff. We’ll...
  2. The Franchise

    Lashlee is a horrible hire

    If you’re an eyeball guy like I am, then I’d suggest not watching SMU’s most recent bowl game if you want to keep feeling good about the Lashlee hire. I don’t put much stock in those UConn numbers no matter how much spin our fans try to put on them. They’re pretty lame numbers. His one good...
  3. The Franchise

    Lashlee is a horrible hire

    Not exactly smoking gun style evidence, friend. They went down two tenths of a yard per play after he left?
  4. The Franchise

    Lashlee is a horrible hire

    Correct. He turned them from abortion to stillborn.