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  1. E

    Finally......a protest

    I prefer to think of it as an episode, experience, a stroll down the partly cloudy side of the street. Always remember there are people who have it much worse than you. Heard that in a Bob Dylan song, or was it a Partridge Family episode? Having a positive view of life is critical, Tin Cup...
  2. E

    Finally......a protest

    After Fifteen years of being the "Life Coach" for the University of Miami football team, I was recently terminated due to derogatory comments posted on a particular Canes football message board. Yesterday morning, Qassem Soleimani hired me as his 'Life Coach'. My first suggestion was he get...
  3. E

    Finally......a protest

    Simply identify the busiest intersection in Phoenix and carry a sign reading: 'Fire Diaz, James, Baker, Stroud, Banda, Patke, Barry, Field, Hickson, Rumph, Stubblefield, Crawford, Hashemi, Kalter, Swalley, Zuckerman, Rodrigues, Byrd, Stone, Parker, Feeley, Devine, Ishmael, Kroboth, Walker...
  4. E

    Finally......a protest

    Maybe one of the infamous, CIS, 5 O'clock Charlie, banner planes could buzz the campus (weather permitting), along with a simultaneous christening of the new U.S. 1 billboard decrying everything UM football (question: why do the cheerleaders and marching band always get a pass?). This protest...
  5. E

    Finally......a protest

    I appreciate you not lodging personal attacks...there is more than enough of that taking place on this board (see Nic Kane). I will show you the same courtesy.
  6. E

    Finally......a protest

    Did you get in on the billboard action? What am I thinking...I bet it was another of your scams. Great work, Tony Montana!
  7. E

    Finally......a protest

    The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool. Good work Nic! PS: When are you going to pull your next banner plane scam?
  8. E

    Finally......a protest

    You know when you are losing an argument as you have resorted to lying. Back to facts; you and your mindless brethren have been hating the program day and night for the last 15-years...LIST HOW THAT HATE HAS HELPED THE PROGRAM!!!
  9. E

    Finally......a protest

    Why the different name, father time?
  10. E

    Finally......a protest

    One favor...please provide an interpreter with your mindless rants as I do not understand stupid. Thanking you in advance.
  11. E

    Finally......a protest

    C'mon, you stole money from the dolts who also do nothing but tear down the program like you, and the product you presented was a joke. The one and the only reason any thinking person referenced that flying ***** show was to point out the clown who organized it. You are right, for 15-years...
  12. E

    Finally......a protest

    I bet you are! You'll take any help available to tear the program down. I see you joined this message board on December 23, 2019. Methinks you are encouraging the intellectually challenged who on a daily basis tear the Canes football program apart knowing full and well the incalculable...
  13. E

    Finally......a protest

    Nope! As a matter of fact, I enjoyed a wonderful family Christmas. If you are being honest with yourself then you know the Tennessee fan debacle has been recreated by many CIS'ers, which is a guaranteed recipe for "longterm" failure. You Cats have scared off more recruits by far than any bad...
  14. E

    Finally......a protest

    Here's an about you collecting (stealing) more money to fly a banner that no one saw and more importantly, cared. Great job, Einstein!! The only thing you and your ilk have accomplished is convincing quality recruits and coaches not to sign with the Canes. Every single one of the...
  15. E

    Finally......a protest

    You are right!!! Tennessee fans succeeded in burning their program to the ground and it has never recovered. Vols fans used every method possible to get the word out as to how bad their football program was from top to bottom. Well, they connected with recruits and potential coaches who...