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  1. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Papi Diaz and Shalala are behind Blake. Don’t kid yourselves.
  2. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Manny Sr. was mayor when the Stadium deal went down. If you go to his Wikipedia page, there’s nothing about it there; it’s been sanitized. He’s wired in with Shalala, of that I’m sure.
  3. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Keep in mind that behind all of this is the Diaz Familia. Papi will protect his son.
  4. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Is it too late to Bring Back Butch?
  5. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Never underestimate the power of Papi Diaz and the political coalition he runs in Miami. It got the Orange Bowl torn down and Marlins Park built; it can probably ***** this up to save Sonny’s precious job slot. I weep copious Ferman Tears for Canes Football.
  6. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    I guarantee you there is political bullsh*t going on in the background. Papi is pulling strings for his son. I guran Effing tee it.
  7. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    No, that was the option all along I’ll bet. The call to Highsmith was merely due diligence to establish a record of Blake making a call. This was ALWAYS bullsh*t, thought up by Blake and his people to get through a news cycle. It took me a while to get that, but the leaks to Jackson were...
  8. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    I smell a rat: the Stadium Thief, who tore down OUR Orange Bowl to help build Marlins Park, is trying to protect his son. You keep Sonny Boy where he is by making the conditions for Highsmith’s employment unacceptable to Highsmith: a Yes Man for James.
  9. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Watch. The UM Administration is going to find a way to f*#k this up. It was window dressing all along.
  10. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Listen, it can be a sop to the angry fan base, as long as Highsmith is the one running the Program.
  11. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Seriously, if Highsmith lands this job, who do you think he brings in as OC, DC, and OL coach? He’s not leaving that up to Diaz.
  12. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    I doubt very seriously this is Manny ‘s play. Or Blake’s.
  13. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Why should Highsmith get the University into an unnecessary political fight with the Diaz family. Let Manny’s release be For Cause.
  14. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    The Board is sick and **** tired of Buyouts. It’s not that they can’t afford it; many of them are billionaires. When you have to do a buyout to unload a coach it’s a sign than your AD, who you’re paying a substantial amount of money, did not do his due diligence during the Coaching Search...
  15. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Will you include DBC as an Honorable Mention?
  16. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Not to rain on the parade here, but do we know how the chain of command is set up? We want Highsmith answerable only to the BOT, not to Flake.
  17. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    If this pans out, let me be the first to tip my hat to Ferman for getting the scoop. Well deserved. I thought it was chum being thrown in the water by the Hecht. Nothing is set in stone yet.
  18. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    To be honest with you, I doubt he would come here if he had to answer to Blake.
  19. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    Welp. Gotta hand it to Ferman.
  20. section9

    Latest on Highsmith

    There is NO WAY Highsmith is coming here without his guys and without authority written into the contract. James is saying this because he doesn’t want a political fight with Diaz’s father, the Stadium Thief.