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  1. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    did you not notice when she squibbed kicked she sprinted right to the sideline? didn't even wait to see what would happen. she was very coached up for this moment
  2. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Perhaps the problems are still there and gotten bigger. Not ready to come to that conclusion yet. Will see how Manny adjusts to what's been a dismal season after being hopeful at beginning. But for those who recall he did reference that team still had a disease during fall camp. I chose not to...
  3. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Typically when expletives fly and people start making ad hominem attacks you are losing the argument. Was hoping to have some rational discourse with you but I will move on.
  4. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    "The cancer is Manny" is the type of declarative statements I speak of. That is unfair, imo. You can certainly question if Manny is right for job. But you are referring to him as some disease. Why is that fair? The "culture" issues actually predate Manny. Maybe he is inadvertently...
  5. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    I think you need to differentiate between making a comment and asking a question. I think we intuitively understand that something seems off here. There are however quite a few pointing fingers and make declarative statements as if they know something that are being unfair. I was simply asking...
  6. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    That was mostly subtle but effective take. Lol.
  7. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    If we truly go more up tempo and spread whatever weaknesses on oline can be covered up. You look at what Clemson did with Etienne the other night and it was a thing of beauty. Was getting nothing on runs so they got him in space with quick throws. Why can't we get an OC that can adapt like that...
  8. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Hard to determine if it was "better" just by rank which can be a bit subjective. I would say comparable.
  9. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    He stayed out Enos' way so that is not the issue. It's whether he can get a competent OC in here that can produce on the field. He's in a tough spot for sure because perception of program has further eroded than when he first took over. He could have landed better OC prospects at beginning...
  10. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Haven't ruled it out.
  11. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Nothing against Lingard. If he does well we can all agree this was talent wasted.
  12. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Do you think SSU is that much better than a decent HS team?
  13. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Saw some burn against Savannah State and had an impressive run. That was it. Richt wasn't exactly in a rush to get him more on field either.
  14. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Needs to work more on his hands but would love to see him in the slot more than on line of scrimmage.
  15. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Of course there's a reason. "Coaches are all idiots" wins by popular vote.
  16. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Maybe Lingard was planning this all along?
  17. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Same could be said of Lingard, no?
  18. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    So are the guys sitting on the bench.
  19. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Didn't play much under Richt either who had at least a track record of bringing top flight backs.
  20. Salt

    Lingard in the Portal

    Those things are true but don't necessarily tell the whole story. We can only throw out conjectures and I get that the easy answer is that the coaches are all bumbling idiots and could care less about winning and playing the best guys.