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  1. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    No that's not what I'm saying Ask a question and you'll get a direct answer if i can give it. Past that I'll answer for you exactly what i meant that the individual i was speaking with already knows. Feeleys priority same as vinny's is getting kids back on the field as quick as possible. That...
  2. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    I always tell vinny he reminds me of happy from 8 crazy nights
  3. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    I dont know lo stance or anyone else besides my nephew. I just know manny had nothing to do with who played or didnt on o. That was all up to enos with suggestions from position coaches.
  4. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    That's sorta what I feared. I heard other people say stuff before but never confirmed it. Explains why between him and training being off kids dont heal up how they should.
  5. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Manny had zero to do with who played on offence...
  6. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Thats what it is huh. So u the one giving out all these nonsense warnings but that's all u got to say now? Lmfao guess its personal issue with that topic in general.
  7. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Some of the things I'd hear him saying to nephew really worried me. He clearly just wants to get kids back on the field as soon as possible. My curiosity was is that coming from him or was he being instructed that. I'd GUESS instructed because feeley was similar in his training ways as well.
  8. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Twice now cam was gonna clear it. Lot of **** yall just dont know if they dont report it on here. Yall got a limited view into this reality.
  9. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    If yall knew the two they wouldnt be saying cam is the savage of the two... #justsayin
  10. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    My bad than. I thought knighton is significantly bigger. Never met knighton though.
  11. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Obviously that covers up the level of the issue to an extent. It's crazy that yall just now realizing that when it's been pointed out that's why cmr called the plays he called(to the extent of all the quick ineffective passes and bubble screens)plenty of other issues with that but I digress...
  12. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Otnay onnagay veneay aysay hatway overlay of ull****bay hattay is. Amcay is a urepay itchbay...
  13. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    As I've always said nephew is his own man. When he came here it was on his decision. When he left it was on his decision. And in the small possibilty he comes back that will also be his decision. If ur commenting that based upon vermin he was lying blatantly. But this isnt about him. Mandy...
  14. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    U could always kill urself(clarification here I'm not suggesting it. Simply saying it's an option) mods by me explaining that stance is it still a personal attack to remind him he has options?
  15. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Maybe mandy isnt the ONLY problem.
  16. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    The common point is since that year Coker tried to save his asss by firing art and sarge we have had a whole **** ton of staph that didnt belong at this university. Obviously it went on to a degree before as well because you never know a kids personal situation. But since that point it's been a...
  17. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Hes one of those dudes who eventually shoots up his high school.
  18. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Not on the field hes not. They so worried about social media and got no pride on the field. Take all these hits accounts from them.
  19. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    How about when the people who earn it dont get it? How bout when players show more yet dont get rewarded for it because of their personalities. Everyone here wants to assume this is always a logical situation when it comes to who plays and when. Everyone knocked onion for playing his favorites...
  20. Brooklyndee

    Lingard in the Portal

    Our doctors are all world. HOWEVER much as I love vinny as a person and as long as hes been around it may be time to move on from vinny. Atleast in the head trainer capacity.