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  1. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    It was certainly ugly, but Mark was his ride or die. To be frank though, those other guys canned deserved it, he just wasn't ever able to play the role completely like Al Pacino did in killing off Fredo.
  2. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    The one thing, even if it was to his detriment, I respect about Golden was his loyalty to his best friend, Mark. That defense was his as much as it was Mark's and he wasn't going to scapegoat Mark on it. Very few people are friends like that this day, so in his case, I get it.
  3. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    Outside of OU, those teams have play **** good defense as well though. You need both, but an offense that can put up points early and often forced the opposing offense to play catch up. That's always a tough spot for those behind on the scoreboard as they take chances they normally wouldn't...
  4. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    I didn't figure you were.
  5. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    That's the general sentiment of most here. I can respect that. Yet still people will curse his name wondering how he couldn't get their pick or a top pick. Crazy.
  6. SayWhat

    Do we have any idea who Diaz is actually looking at for OC?

    No, nobody knows ****. Don't worry though, names will continue to be thrown around with no connection besides a want based on one's personal preference. Whenever he hires someone, people will then ***** how it wasn't their guy. They will say how we could have had them with no knowledge of...