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    What happened after the UF game?

    You hit the nail on the head—and that in itself is the culture issue that has persisted here for over a decade. I've said it for two years now; if Miami didn't eke out that win at Florida State in 2017—that team goes 7-6. Book it. Would've lost to Georgia Tech the following week. Syracuse...

    What happened after the UF game?

    I wrote about this in an article a few months back, but the writing was on the wall with Enos as far back as the Virginia Tech loss, if not sooner. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about 'thin-slicing' in his book "Blink"—quick definition—"is a term used in psychology or philosophy to describe the...

    What happened after the UF game?

    Pretty simple. First game of the year and everyone was ready to play emotionally—while both teams were rusty, sloppy and hadn't found their footing yet. Had Miami found a way to win that game, it probably beats North Carolina and the season goes a different direction. Instead, 0-2 happened...