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  1. Waffle Honcho

    Never forget the Tate Martell era

    I’d rather be an unknown than being known as the worst mod in CIS history.
  2. Waffle Honcho

    Never forget the Tate Martell era

    Yeah you’re really the authority around here on critical thinking. Thanks for another solid porst.
  3. Waffle Honcho

    Never forget the Tate Martell era

    Maybe all of his failures are because of other people. Maybe not.
  4. Waffle Honcho

    Never forget the Tate Martell era

    Still looks like a deer in headlights and his accuracy has worsened.
  5. Waffle Honcho

    Never forget the Tate Martell era

    Amazing we’ve watched two QB’s suck @ss en route to a 6-7 season and we’re ready to judge a guy after one series. Same guys that sucked off Kaaya when he was here and Williams all year. Bunch of losers.