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  1. The Franchise

    Really good numbers article from the Herald

    Our scholarly fans can’t seem to comprehend that Rick and Manure can both suck. They think that Manure’s historic suckitude somehow erases the fact that Ricky was circling the drain at light speed. They forget how putrid our offense was and how badly our recruiting class was deteriorating and...
  2. The Franchise

    Really good numbers article from the Herald

    Do you guys understand that pushing the right buttons to get players to give consistent effort week to week is probably the HC’s most important job? You guys act like the HC is just there to grow a neatly trimmed beard and design jewelry and hashtags. His fcking job is to make sure his team...
  3. The Franchise

    Really good numbers article from the Herald

    Hobbes carried him. He’s complete garbage without him.
  4. The Franchise

    Really good numbers article from the Herald

    LOL at blaming the veteran players. Same tired **** we’ve seen from the last 4 lousy HCs other than Rick. And even Rick’s top guy, Uncle Tom Brown, started doing this same **** when his offense was proven to be a puke pile. When you’re an epic failure as a leader, you blame your troops to save...