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  1. T

    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    Its a misconception to think that Baylor went from a struggling program to one that was successful simply due to a retrenchment & renewal managerial philosophy. They won because the administration embraced a "win at all costs mentality" by emboldening a coach who was more than willing to break...
  2. T

    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    I disagree. This is absolutely the most delusional fanbase in the entire world. If more fans actually understood why finances matter in modern CFB there wouldn't be this level of negativity & toxicity on this forum created by unrealistic expectations.
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    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    You think the fans of both MIA and Baylor have the same expectations? You out of all people on here should know better than that. Baylor coming 2nd in the Big12 this yr is almost like them winning a championship
  4. T

    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    If I catch you spreading propaganda & misinformation again on this forum, after work I will stop by the insane asylum where you reside and personally have a convo with the psych ward manager. Just remember you eat this for breakfast/lunch/dinner every day
  5. T

    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    When did I say that just cracking $1B would allow MIA to contend for championships? As a private university you need much more than that to contend in modern CFB. Much much more. Highlighting the fact that MIA currently has less than $1B was meant to underscore the pt that MIA is far from...
  6. T

    Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

    I stopped here because you started to deflect & sidestep the most important question in this entire thread. Here it is again: Can you name one example of a private, bankrupt, pos university with less than $1B endowment that regularly contends for divisional, conference, and national...