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  1. Go Canes!!


  2. Go Canes!!


    I never, ever engage him first. Doofus has @ me about 20 times since the FIU game after disappearing for the better part of a month. He’s actually convinced himself I work at Hecht. Kid is unhinged.
  3. Go Canes!!


    I never once told you what to think or even to come back when you ran and hid for a month like a frightened little girl. I even stuck up for you when people ripped you to shreds as a thief and a troll. Told the every single time to leave you alone, that you were just stupid and frightened...
  4. Go Canes!!


  5. Go Canes!!


    Why do you feel the need to tell people how to feel. If they want to get excited let them get excited.