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  1. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    “EnoUgh is EnoUgh: Fire Manny Diaz Fire Blake James” using the “U” symbol in “enough” simple, obvious, to the point.
  2. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    it should literally just say: Fire Blake James Fire Jen Strawley Fire Manny Diaz
  3. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    Huh? Blake James didnt just spend 4 million and sign a five year deal with Diaz on his own. Epstein, Lemonis, and Daddy Diaz’s other BOT cronies had him pegged for a LONG time, and mostly bc they knew the fanbase loved the chain and the fake tony montana shtick.
  4. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    Restart the vote and include “Fire Manny Diaz”, otherwise this is just an exercise in excusing the worst corch we have ever had. Ill pay for the whole thing myself if you do.
  5. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    Bc singling out Blake James is a waste of money. Diaz himself is the apple of this BOTs eye, and THEY hired him. It must be made clear that the fanbase wants Diaz himself gone, and not just some fundraiser and coordinators.
  6. T

    Billboard Poll, Vote On The Message (read OP first)

    i chose the new miami bc it directly reflects Diaz. if that goes on the billboard im fully in. its my black friday present to myself.