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  1. A

    Barry Jackson...

    Haywood was arrested for domestic violence, Price got caught at a strip club right after he got hired, and O'Leary got busted for lying on his resume. Completely apples and oranges discussions. You are honestly one of the most delusional and narcissistic posters on here and that's saying a ton.
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    Barry Jackson...

    Oh, and to those complaining about Manny's contract, this is 2019. Name one recent P5 hire that was given a 3 year deal.
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    Barry Jackson...

    Not a lot of research done here: Haywood was fired after 2 years at Miami (OH) Cameron got fired in the NFL, were coaches get fired after 1 year a lot more frequently than in CFB When was Mike Price fired after 1 year? When was George O'Leary fired after 1 year? Again, another NFL example with...
  4. A

    Barry Jackson...

    Again, this is a non-story cultivated to stir up the masses by a hack 'journalist'. Diaz could have gone 1-11 himself and not gotten fired. Even Taggart got a second year and didn't make a bowl in his first year.
  5. A

    Barry Jackson...

    Our AD is awful but when was the last time a HC was fired after year 1? Now if Manny decides to run it back with the same sorry sack of coaches in his second year...