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  1. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    that were I stand with it..that 2000-2002 stretch was the greatest accumulation of talent. BUT Dorsey could be neutralized abd would t be the best QB on the field. Put that on top of the fact that tho the canes have more talent overall, Clemson or Bama talent across the board would hang. Think...
  2. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    lmao many times has that computer simulation been right?? Did it predict what would happen to bama vs Clemson last year? Did it predict Ohio state’s 2015 run after they lost their QB? I think that hypothetical game would be close and could go either way. But usually the team with the...
  3. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    The 2000 team lost a game they had no business losing. Butch did that throughout his tenure with Miami, and UNC..Even looking back in retrospect. Saban has been at Bama for 10 can count on 1 hand the games that he’s lost that he had no business losing..idk if definitely that 2000...
  4. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    Find a post where I “defended” manny and co for any of our losses this season lol..**** the FIU loss I said was fireable a loss..but it’s not gonna happen...I just don’t walk in lockstep with one side or the other on here. I do bring up other factors that go into losing tho because I understand...
  5. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    ...pass the blunt
  6. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    That’s inherently not frustrating as losing to FIU was..and it was rock bottom, we don’t know what manny is or what adjustments he might make..we been down so long no matter who it is it’s gonna take more then one year for a coach to get things going in his direction. The right direction...
  7. 305to954

    To all the MANny's out there...

    I don’t ppl are “fans” of coaches. It’s literally the silliest argument of CIS imo. I want Diaz to succeed..cause then the program succeeds. Simple as for your list, Butchs name doesn’t belong on the same list as Dabo or Saban