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  1. Go Canes!!

    List all the Manny Diaz Slurpers here

    It's funny. When we win, this idiot is the farthest thing from my mind. Never even thought about @ing anyone, I'm just happy with the team and the progress, But when we lose, we are all this fool can think about. Sad and pathetic.
  2. Go Canes!!

    List all the Manny Diaz Slurpers here

    I didn't disappear ****dip. Slurping corches is not actual Canes related things. I've posted after every win. I didn't care to post during a bye week and when every thread is about silent commits. I already knew how that was going to play out. I'm talking **** cause of all the slurpers that...
  3. Go Canes!!

    List all the Manny Diaz Slurpers here

    I never left. I just refrained myself from posting in the FIU, we want bama, Butch bashing, and silent commits thread. Real fans have been hurting since game 2. Don't call yourself a real fan. Your blind worship to a corch has led to this. BUTCH. MF-ING. DAVIS. might have just saved us from 3...
  4. Go Canes!!

    List all the Manny Diaz Slurpers here

    Your posts are invalid, you are a Muppet. You might want to consider site lurking. I don't need to lurk anywhere. I was wrong about the progress we'd made. Dead wrong. This loss was inconceivably damaging not just to this season, but this program as a whole. That's all I care about. I...
  5. Go Canes!!

    List all the Manny Diaz Slurpers here

    Lmao. Dip**** disappears from sight for a month while we're winning three straight and Butch is getting taken to the woodshed on a weekly basis is now @ing people after the worst loss in our program's history, when real fans are hurting big time. Where have you been? Pathetic loser.