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  1. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Guys, I think we saw the last of Blake Baker
  2. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    "It's not great sportsmanship, but it's not unsportsmanlike" ....unbelievable
  3. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    We don't need to throw another pass the rest of the game
  4. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    We go to Texas to get a 30% kicker when this guy was 10 miles down the road
  5. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Shaq pumped up down 13-0 nothing to Sweetwater State
  6. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Finley is the only player that showed up for this game
  7. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Jarren put money on FIU. There's really no other explanation.
  8. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Dude, no way
  9. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Ok, now we just need three more RBs to get hurt before they put our best one in the game
  10. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Nick Saban would break all of his players knee caps if they did this **** down 13-0 to an FCS-level team
  11. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Thought they were gonna fake an injury and get another one of those free timeouts
  12. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Dee Wiggins is 2 for 2 on bonehead plays that led to an interception
  13. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Players look like they dipped their shoes in cement before the game
  14. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Manny must've let Blake gameplan the defense by himself this week. Sorry but that guy is in way over his head.
  15. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Who the **** is Trey Tucker?
  16. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Well at least we're getting this guy's brother to kick FG for us
  17. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Finley gonna have 30 tackles in this game
  18. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Receiver held
  19. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    Sit Jarren now. Don't let this turn into VT again.
  20. AllAboutTheUNotAboutU

    CANES vs fiu

    I'm tired of watching Donalson's fat *** watch people run by him