Search results

  1. TheMatador

    Noles want coach "O"

    Yep. We should have picked Coker's successor by open plebiscite on Grassy, the main Miami board if the time. Nowhere would you see gathered so many wisemen of college football in one that place the ancient Greeks had, I think. I can't remember the place.. I kinda remember from...
  2. TheMatador

    Noles want coach "O"

    FSU be trembling in their slippers.
  3. TheMatador

    Noles want coach "O"

    How you supposed to call or go visit your momma if you don't have your cell phone and gun.
  4. TheMatador

    Noles want coach "O"

    If not Leach, then bring back..... He's still alive....for time being.