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  1. kryptonite

    Fly the Banner, Luke

    I think what you're missing is that guys get less time than they used to. Maybe Willie is the first, but you'll start to see guys getting canned earlier as fans and boosters have less and less patience. CIS has known he was a mistake for at least a year, why do you think fsu couldn't see that...
  2. kryptonite

    Fly the Banner, Luke

    It's funny people are making this about race, because al golden is who willie reminds me of. He had a little success early and used his ability to talk the talk to get into a situation he wasn't ready/qualified for. In the end neither was able to find success because they aren't good coaches...
  3. kryptonite

    Fly the Banner, Luke

    Can't you just have a post about objectifying a woman without having to bring politics into it?
  4. kryptonite

    Fly the Banner, Luke

    And times change. He should realize that while the amount coaches get paid keeps going up, the amount of time they have to win keeps going down. May not be fair, but if you want that big boy money, you need to realize it comes with big boy expectations.