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  1. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    i'm not siding with fsu on anything. they made a stupid decision beyond whatever race issues may have been involved (and i doubt anyone of consequence based the decision on bigotry anyway) with that ludicrous contract. also, if anything, the terms of his buyout were ridiculously progressive...
  2. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    idiotic race-baiters that sow division just to keep themselves relevant is beyond football. he was doing it to us when shannon was fired and still pops off about it from time to time. luke is a scummy human being.
  3. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    are you implying that black guys are incapable of hot takes? have you ever seen rob parker speak? that's awfully racist of you.
  4. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    that actually might not be too far off. there were no top-shelf guys available when they hired taggart and (at least from what i've heard), fsu's admin placed a lot of value on hiring a minority candidate. their final 3 guys were taggart, strong, and fuente.
  5. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    strong got 3 full years to put something together and texas never has to search the couch cushions for money to buy a guy out. fsu just axed taggart in less than 2. if criticizing a hire is racist, then canning a guy in half the time is objectively worse.
  6. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    i'm not saying that there weren't some racist idiots in the group, but to write off any criticism of strong's hire before he coached a game as racism is ridiculous. randy shannon was a broyles award-winning dc here and a huge portion of the fan base hated the hire before he coached a game. was...
  7. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    if you think that texas fans are somehow more racist than the slime that lives in tallahassee, i have a bridge to sell you.
  8. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    because he wasn't a proven commodity. he had two great seasons riding teddy's arm in a dog **** conference.
  9. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    how many people on this board openly hated diaz's hire? or golden's? or shannon's? or coker's? strong was a bad hire that caught lightning in a bottle with bridgewater.
  10. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    their hate of the hire, regardless of race, was warranted. texas was 16-21 under strong with no winning seasons and a loss to ******* kansas.
  11. dookie blaylock

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    if being paid $18m for being terrible at your job is a modern day lynching, please sign me up for 3.