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  1. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I agree with that. ****, we saw it first hand with our new HC when he wasn't even 5 games into his tenure.
  2. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Wtf is that last line? You're saying white coaches don't get criticized when their team performs poorly? What?!?
  3. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Did you just quote your own post so you could give yourself a high five?
  4. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    You're painting it too binary. I don't think anyone expected him to have everything fixed in 21 games, but they have not only looked like absolute dogsh-t on the field, they've been completely undisciplined and out of control in basically every game they've played under willie. It wasn't "You...
  5. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Nope, I think it's fantastic. I also think puke is a race baiting scumbag.
  6. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    You officially win The Dumbest CIS Post of the Year Award. Congratulations!
  7. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I guess you missed when Louisiana-Monroe traveled to doak this year.
  8. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    You're calling him out as pretending he's a black man because he doesn't agree with you? Man, does that sum up 2019 to a T!
  9. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    We'll just have to move on, brother. You're continually missing my point entirely. I'm not talking about people being upset with him as HC and wanting him fired after he had failed to deliver at Texas. I'm talking about people important to the UT program not wanting a black man as HC and...
  10. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I know what the current demographic in Austin is heavily slanted towards, and I know from the articles I read about the Charlie Strong hire that the people actively working to sabotage Strong from the day he got hired were nothing like that demographic.
  11. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Willie's one season at a P5 school he barely went .500, didn't beat a single team with a pulse, and didn't just lose but got absolutely blown out by every good team he faced: Wazzu 10-33 Stanford 49-7 UCLA (who weren't even ranked) 14-31 UDub 3-38 Unless you're really excited by what he did at...
  12. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Based on articles I've read about the Charlie Strong hire.
  13. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    And you think most UT boosters reflect "progressive Austin"? LOL
  14. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I think there is more deep seeded racism in the powers that be behind UT football than those behind FSU football, yes.
  15. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Ok, fair enough. Again, I'm no UT football expert. But I'm sticking behind my personal belief that Charlie Strong walked into a very different situation than Willie Taggart did.
  16. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I'm talking about the open hate of the hire before he ever coached a game there. Lot of smoke that the powers that be sabotaged that dude before he ever set foot on campus. But I've only heard stuff 3rd party (actually like 12th party), as I don't give a rats *** about UT football.
  17. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    I'm not sure those two are comparable, however. Those in the know painted a picture of an environment Charlie walked into in Austin that was doomed from the start. And it had a lot to do with deeply embedded racism in the powers that be there. The amount of people who openly hated the Charlie...
  18. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    Like someone said above, it's not just that the noles are putting a bad football product on the field, I think the way they are carrying themselves as a team is even worse to the powers that be up there. They simply look completely undisciplined and out of control. Saturday was a downright...
  19. For_The_U

    Uncle Luke - All Black Players and Coaches Should Boycott FSU

    No sh-t, man. What an absolutely ridiculous use of that word. Textbook 2019.