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  1. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    No. Fsu is terrible on defense. This offense just isn't good and has struggled all year.
  2. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    The offense still isn't good. A lot of stalled drives and still struggle scoring the ball. They had great field position several times and couldn't move the ball and put the game out of reach earlier. They should have scored 40 today. Fsu defense is ranked 107th and they only had 350 yards...
  3. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    That dude aint nobody special. Just because he likes or doesn't like some doesn't make it right
  4. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    To **** with orlovsky. Who is he supposed to be? Fact is enos resume as a play caller is trash
  5. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    This the best jarren has looked all year. This is what i wanted to see. Be aggressive and throw the ball downfield. He still holds the ball too long at times but this was a step.
  6. 252cane

    I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

    Lol. Enos is cheeks