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  1. S

    Pro Style Bro...

    What most people call for is for us to enter the 21 century and run a true spread. Most successful teams are spread to run, but like urban said in video what you want is still to be balanced. You can be spread to run and you can be spread to pass.. It works and it has worked at all levels. What...
  2. S

    Pro Style Bro...

    Gonna help you out bro, here is Urban talking SPREAD offense that OSU runs.. Tryna help you get into 21 century football 15 years later but atleast you can say you made it bro.. Atleast you will make it before Miami football, which as a underdog type program should of been on the forefront of...
  3. S

    Pro Style Bro...

    Lol, ohio state is spread to run. even before urban got there they were spread but urban has been spread ever since wayy back. He bought it to gators where they said it wouldnt work in SEC. Clemson is spread, they bought in "gimmicky" chad morris to implement his system. Its just you think...