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    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    Rhule went 1-11 in 2017 with a team that was 7-6 the year before (Grobe as interim that year) and 32-7 the three years before that under Briles. 11-2 in 2013 11-2 in 2014 10-3 in 2015 Let's not act like this was some SMU death penalty turnaround. Rhule had no business going 1-11 that year with...

    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    News flash; Baylor was never bad to begin with; a 32-7 up until a year before he took over. 11-2 in 2013 11-2 in 2014 10-3 in 2015 Fell to 7-6 in 2016 due to Briles getting punted and Grobe taking over in an interim basis. Rhule went 1-11 in 2017—first-year head coach trying to get things...