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  1. J

    In all seriousness - Does Diaz Fire Penos?

    If Manny can salvage his own job and get us to a bowl game, then he absolutely must fire Enos if only to save his own job next year. If he keeps Enos, and this $hitshow continues next year then we won't want to hear how hes going to use Enos as a scapegoat..we will want Manny gone too.
  2. J

    In all seriousness - Does Diaz Fire Penos?

    Rookie coach making a rookie mistake. HCs fire coordinators all the time that they made a mistake on. Enos might actually be a good OC but hes not a good OC for us. Look at Ed Orgeron..took him some time but he finally got his perfect OC (Emsfinger) and his perfect DC (Aranda) and now LSU looks...
  3. J

    In all seriousness - Does Diaz Fire Penos?

    Won't happen. If we fire Enos, a new OC will want the same power to hire his own staff just like Enos did especially if we swing for the fences and get a big name.