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  1. Cane4Life94

    Interesting from Barry

    I hear you on the time out part, but that’s not how I understood the quote I believe he said almost an hour earlier they lined up in the same formation “but punted” ie it was an in game adjustment. So it wasn’t an hour before the game. The coaches saw something in game and reiterated to them it...
  2. Cane4Life94

    Interesting from Barry

    And that was done because that’s where the help was. If he pushes his man to the inside that ball is likely kicked for fear of the help in the middle of the field. It seems like a small thing, but I can almost guarantee you that was the punters key. If he lets his man go streaking down the...
  3. Cane4Life94

    Interesting from Barry

    Yep. Feely talks about guys hitting 20mph in practice all the time, but guess whose first down the field on special teams. Ricky Murphy, and I’m not knocking Ricky but these dudes don’t seem to care that a walk on is out performing them AT ALL. Talent is useless without effort and you can’t...
  4. Cane4Life94

    Interesting from Barry

    Honest question. Do you think 10-12 more scholarship players will make that much of a difference across at least 21 positions not including special teams, and I say that because excluding rb’s every other position is lacking. At what point do these dudes take more pride in what they put on...