Search results

  1. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

    there are any number of great candidates for the Canes HC job. unfortunately, just naming them isn't going anywhere.
  2. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

    when will Miami stop hiring incompetent garbage and guys that get fired from other programs for either poor performance or failure to achieve anything (i.e. championships) ?
  3. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

  4. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

  5. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

    Mike Shula HC at Miami ? can you hear the inbred fans laughing all the way from Bama ?
  6. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

  7. mdpcane

    Highsmith Rumor

    what do you mean "turned into" ? for a long *** time this place has been so bad they couldnt even get Nurse Ratchett to be a moderator in this insane asylum... lol