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  1. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Imagine the stress he’s had the last month? This game was basically a must win for his job and morale of the team.
  2. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Now curb stomp FSU with Williams, win out and clean house.
  3. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Williams is the truth. Bring in a new OC if you keep your job Manny
  4. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Truly remarkable Williams entered the game vs VT. There was no doubt he couldn’t put zip on the ball. Now look at these darts. ******* clown show coaching staff.
  5. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Manny and Enos playing for the FG win.
  6. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Williams better be the starter rest of season. Night and day thrower.
  7. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    When healthy Williams has easily strong enough arm
  8. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Run twice here
  9. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    The D hasn’t been that bad. Still thumping. Enos is no better than Richt as an OC. The O is just hard to watch.
  10. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    It continues to show Manny has no control and in over his head. I do like seeing Jarren being a leader and pepping the team there. Need more of that.
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    CANES vs Pitt

    When our best WR drops a ball that bad, there is major issues going on. Fundamentals, effort and concentration lacking. Jarren put that on the money is and light years better passer than Perry. It’s laughable he didn’t get the start if he is at least 85% health.
  12. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    The whole coaching staff. Keep Feeley bc I think he’s legit. Otherwise see ya to everyone
  13. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Have to kick the FG especially with how bad our FG kicker is.
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    CANES vs Pitt

    Pitt score and we turn it over on O. Book it.
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    CANES vs Pitt

    Give him a break. There has only been 7 previous games to study that formation.
  16. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Absolutely no improvement since UF.
  17. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    its going to come down to whose going to lose it and we have perfected on learning to lose.
  18. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    I think Tate would have seen the field. Talk about just awful timing and decisions by everyone involved this year. I’ve never seen anything like it.
  19. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    I hate to bag on the kid for doing his job today but it’s been nothing more than that. It’s progress from literally not doing his job til this point.
  20. M

    CANES vs Pitt

    Looked like we had a chance if he would have threw it to Mallory. This is pathetic. Diaz has to be scratching his head with this O. I don’t think he realized it would be this unimaginative and slow.