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  1. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    First I never said I'm happy driving a truck. I'm a professional tradesman; I do it for the money. I hope you are not comparing me to a minimum wage worker or someone who games the system with welfare. Hopefully in the coming years, I can go back to school and become a mechanical engineer...
  2. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Yeah, I can't imagine being in the huddle, seeing this kid who was suspended and go, "Nah, he must be a different guy, yah, yah." Minimum, the offense knew about it. They had to.
  3. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Which is precisely what I don't do. Let it go Tetra. Obviously, we're not going to get along and you have the perception that I'm a racist, redneck simple fool. It's a cross I must bear, but somehow I will endure. Acta non verba.
  4. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Ha. This the part where we stick our tongues at each other and go to separate rooms? You disappoint me. Thought you had more guts than that. But if you want this to be over, fine with me. We'll agree to disagree and continue to be ****ed at our head coach, manure.
  5. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    On topic, probably most of the team knew. I saw that mentality in pop warner. Coaches were trying to falsify older kids birth certs to play with younger kids.
  6. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    ..And, pray tell, what is my honor? Since you obviously know who I am, know my life experiences, know my value systems....tell us all! What is *your* honor? What have you done to benefit society, stand by the weak, do service before self? I imagine, nothing. Zilch. And no, my life hasn't...
  7. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Yeah, because you put the word honor in quotes just for fun. Please don't insult my intelligence and be "intellectually dishonest". Yes, it is my word...because it's all I have. I will not die a rich man. I know this; I've made peace with it. So my little simplistic honor is good enough...
  8. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    And I stand by what I said because it's what I believe. It's obvious. You don't like me. You don't like who I am or what I stand for. But I treat people the same way; equal and one at a time. And I don't treat a race with kid gloves. Doing so is the precise defintion of racism. If you're...
  9. TerragonSix

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Don't know about you guys, but I try to live as a man of honor. I want my word and my name to mean something. I may not have a lot of money; but what I say, I do. This argument of 'integrity has never got me anything' is a bull**** argument.