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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    For sure 100%. Believe me. As a kid I always thought based on movies and media that the guys who break the rules/laws always get caught. Then when I got involved in finance I quickly realized. The opposite is pretty much the case.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    My bad. I misread your statement. I thought you were saying "you cheated, got caught and it cost you multiple promotions". I see what you are saying, but it is a very common fallacy. Basically, unless you are very involved in high level finance/business. The only time you hear about corruption...
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    I see you never take the time to read your own posts.
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    You said "Otherwise, I'd stop driving a truck ". I took that to mean you were happy with it. I was mistaken. Minimum wage workers work is also grueling, mind numbing, and unhealthy. I don't see why drug dealers are getting brought into this, unless you are talking about the CEOs of the drug...
  5. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    His statement has nothing to do with him "liking you or disliking you". He is just stating a fact. Like you said, you are happy with driving a truck. That is great. Some people are happy sitting around collecting welfare. Some people are happy flipping burgers. Some people are happy salting...
  6. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Why am I not surprised that the resident burger flipper think integrity equals success.
  7. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    I believe you mean full of billionaires.
  8. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    That is just confirmation bias because you got caught. That is like saying "going to school is useless because I got my degree and still can't get a job".
  9. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Making a kid ride the bus home for hurting a team on the field. Is totally different than suspending a player for doing something that doesn't hurt the team on the field. If that kid cheated on the field during a close game, Dabo would have upgraded him to first class.
  10. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    You are clearly a very knowledgeable poster.
  11. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    One of the best posts in CIS history. You are 100% correct bro.
  12. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    That is also very commendable of you. I think the majority of those people are narcissists and it doesn't bother them at all. lol.
  13. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    No problem. That is very commendable. I don't see anything wrong with that. Especially with how risky cheating on tests is now. It is very hard to get away with it. If I owned a large business and my son was going to take it over. I would 100% no condone cheating on tests, since I would want...
  14. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    The vast majority of them will never be caught and will reap the benefits of that for the remainder of their lives. If you are talking in a religious sense, as in someday they will have to account to god for their sins. Then yes, this is true, but a lot of "crimes and laws they are breaking"...
  15. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    For anyone with an IQ over 50, they learned one valuable lesson. Next time don't cheat like an 8 year old character in a children's film. Cheat like an adult, pay off someone to make sure whatever crime the kid did never reaches the HS football board. Pay off the victim to not report the crime. Etc.
  16. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    The short answer is no, I don't straight up say "Listen kids, make sure you cheat on everyone of your tests this week or you will be going to school with black eyes this week". However, I do explain that you need to do whatever it takes to be successful. If that means bending, breaking, or...
  17. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    I don't really think they are purposely ******** the program over though. They are saying "we are trying to build a NC program" and I think they are just in over their heads. Also, I was going off "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. " It is...
  18. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    When every single large business in the world is "cheating". You need to cheat to be able to compete with them. Since its a football message board. Look at football. You have Urban Meyer winnings NCs while covering up Hernandez murdering people. The pouncey twins committing tons of crimes...
  19. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    The people that would argue that, are the same ones that consider being a manager at McDonalds with full health benefits as being "successful".
  20. OriginalGatorHater

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    There is no chance I would let my son play for some goodie goodie low life that is going to turn my son into some sort of "play by the rules" loser.