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  1. No_Fly_Zone

    They hear the noise

    It doesn't. But now you're just thinking like someone who has to use his head for a living. In their hive mind, the further in time you get from the initial decision, the more likely some people are to forget that critical causal link.
  2. No_Fly_Zone

    They hear the noise

    I agree with everything above, but it's the highlighted portion that consistently leads me to a different conclusion. I expect people in a new job to make mistakes that others with more experience would not make. So personally, I expected a significant amount of growing pains at the start of...
  3. No_Fly_Zone

    They hear the noise

    Nope. Firing Manny after one year is not only a public admission by James (and Epstein) that they made the wrong hire, it conclusively demonstrates they RUSHED the hire. Making bad decisions is one thing, but having a bad decision-making process is far worse. They can't (and won't) admit...
  4. No_Fly_Zone

    They hear the noise

    The better question is, would Epstein and his cronies even know what a legitimate AD looks like. Answer that honestly and be scared for the future. Fire Blake James? Fine. Now who hires Blake's replacement? The same guy who was instrumental in hiring Blake (Epstein).