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  1. plantcity3

    Enough is enough

    My man, if you have been unhappy at your job for awhile, would you start to look for other jobs and leave if you found a better situation, or continue to put up with a ****** situation and working for a raise that’s probably never coming? With that said, #7s situation is a little more deeper...
  2. plantcity3

    Enough is enough

    Too add, Shaq is very bright. Just by him being the Mike and calling the defense, you would think he knows the position lining up next to him
  3. plantcity3

    Enough is enough

    Lol who tf are you. You think I give af about what some random *** message board crybaby thinks of my opinion? You telling me this like it’s suppose to hurt my feelings lol. I couldn’t give 2 shyts about dj Ivey just like I don’t give af about what an 19 yr old does on Twitter
  4. plantcity3

    Enough is enough

    Pretty sure he is taking about Cooney
  5. plantcity3

    Enough is enough

    Told y’all weeks ago #7 is going to leave. Can’t blame him when he keep throwing fades to 5’10 WR who waits for the ball to fall in their hands