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  1. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    No one other than Osborne and Jordan is producing. All valid points you raise however. Next year has the potential to be an unmitigated disaster.
  2. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    Fair point and could be, but Wiggins has continued to drop the ball. If you want to talk about culture and accountability, then you sit him and play the next guy. If he drops it then I don’t know.
  3. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    What stats? 1) you need to play and get targets to put up stats at WR; 2) it’s not like Pope and Wiggins are lighting the world on fire; 3) it’s a relatively small sample size; 4) all three have had issues with drops.
  4. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    Yep. Playing favorites does nobody any favors. Should have told him to kick rocks when the rest of the Southridge guys went elsewhere. Mess of a program.
  5. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    He was. I forgot about that guy.
  6. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    I am not sure there is a single thing that I can point to that gives me confidence that he will turn it around. Recruiting, roster management, coach choices, playing time decisions, game management, results, team discipline... all get an F.
  7. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    He was the LB coach and defensive coordinator for the last three years. Why was his recruiting so **** poor at the position that we don’t have a scholarship recruit as a backup at one of two linebacker spots?
  8. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    Knowing Baxa is a head case, he also should have called a third down play to make the FG as absolutely easy and thoughtless as possible. Run the ball to the middle of the field. Instead we throw a fade 35 yards across the field.
  9. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    Good call. Forgot about him.
  10. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    I get the implication here is Manny, but at least last year how was he dictating playing time for the WRs? Please understand I am not attacking or questioning, just more curious to get a glimpse under the hood of the dysfunction.
  11. Fluffhead

    Enough is enough

    Instead we are running fades with Harley.