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  1. C

    Mario Cristobal

    Snapped the ball with 58 seconds left, Herbert could have easily taken few seconds off clock so lets say 56 seconds being generous, TO, take another 3-4 seconds down to 52 seconds, take the full time and get called for a penalty, punt the ball, make srtanford go 80+ yards in 15 seconds with zero...
  2. C

    Mario Cristobal

    He fumbled with like 50 seconds left on the clock "before Sean Barton recovered CJ Verdell's fumble on the Stanford 40 with 51 seconds left" Try again to defend him Before the fumble and the play was ran how much time was on the...
  3. C

    Mario Cristobal

    Mario has had 5+ seasons of sample size and the guy still makes the dumbest mistakes. How does any coach make the blunder of what he did last year against Stanford? Wasn’t Manny the one last year to tell Richt not to score against FSU so they could just run out the clock? You have a certain...
  4. C

    Mario Cristobal

    this is true. He was never demoted. Saban wanted to hire Brent key but he wanted to have key as an analyst. Key had other big time offers so Saban brought him on as a position coach and made him center and guards coach. Mario was given assist HC /Tackles and TE.A lot of these titles are about...
  5. C

    Mario Cristobal

    One guy has coached 60+ games the other 6 Mario made one of the worst corching decisions last year against Stanford people keep saying this but only folks who say this don’t know football for time management. They look at the remaining time before the fumble but don’t look at the time before...