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  1. PanamaCityCanes

    Temple Football...

    Or maybe I did and you just don't understand. That wouldn't be too shocking.
  2. PanamaCityCanes

    Temple Football...

    If your people are going to make stupid claims like "Temple is better than Miami", then you should expect a response. If you don't want to have Miami vs Temple debates, tell your people not to start stupid threads. K?
  3. PanamaCityCanes

    Temple Football...

    So we're MUCH worse than Buffalo. Got it.
  4. PanamaCityCanes

    Temple Football...

    Temple sucks. Watch more football.
  5. PanamaCityCanes

    Temple Football...

    This has been happening on Miami boards for years. People with short attention spans turn on some G5 game and claim that one of the teams is better than us. Maybe you didn't tune in when they lost to Buffalo.