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  1. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    I agree. They are lunatics. I could understand their actions after the season if the team hasn't improved or next year if we see the same issues. They're trying to run everyone out of town and the season is just 1/2 way over. So irrational.
  2. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    Who are you trying to impress with the banner? Do you think the majority of fans think like you or me? What's the net result you are expecting from the banner? You think the University President is going to fire James after seeing your banner? Do you expect Canes fans to join your cause...
  3. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    Your calling out the AD for hiring Manny and the staff. So, it is about the coaching. Secondly, I gave my reasons why I support my team. You don't deserve to be called a Cane fan. Lastly, you making all these decisions after a handful of games. You folks are clearly wound too tight. So...
  4. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    Why don't you just get a life and find something better to do. We don't need you. We don't want you. We have TRUE CANES that support the team. Your BS doesn't help a team facing adversity. You're passing judgement for 1/2 a season. Who the ***** nominated you clowns to represent the...
  5. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    We are 1/2 way thru the season. The team is fighting hard and haven't quit on their coaches yet misguided souls such as yourself have quit on the team and the program. In your expert wisdom you have evaluated and determined the ability and fate of this coaching staff. hmm. You folks should...
  6. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    You banner flying idiots should be banned from CIS and the stadium.
  7. Number1CanesFan

    Unfortunately the Weather won’t allow the plane to fly the banner guys. Smh

    That's karma for your ***!!!! Keep that banner away from the stadium. A complete waste of money. You do realize we have a canopy over the stadium. Nobody's going to see your dumb *** banner!!!