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  1. C

    Canes v. UVA

    We’ll kiss a fat baby, we finally got a P5 win. It was ugly and hard to watch but I’ll take it.
  2. C

    Canes v. UVA

    If the defense can get a TO here imma do some shots.
  3. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Now we see what kind of impact Manny has had with the D. They’ve been bend don’t break all day. Now the games on the line, praying we don’t **** the bed. And hopefully we cover this kick better or get a touchback
  4. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Gotta have this stop
  5. C

    Canes v. UVA

    How tf is that slippery SOB keep getting loose.
  6. C

    Canes v. UVA

    We need a pick right here. Hopefully a pick 6 cause lord knows we’re not gonna drive down and score.
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    Canes v. UVA

    So much for momentum...... ***
  8. C

    Canes v. UVA

    For real. Kid has more heart than anyone on the team and got zero burn inside the 5. WTF??
  9. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Glad he made it but what a wasted opportunity. Jesus we needed a TD
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    Canes v. UVA

    Enos is sitting on a bag of diks
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    Canes v. UVA

    Please 8lb baby Jesus let us score a td here.
  12. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Defense is gassed we HAVE to get something going on offense.
  13. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Please let us get some points here. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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    Canes v. UVA

    Admittedly not an X’s and O’s guy but it looks like our defense is confused before every snap
  15. C

    Canes v. UVA

    3rd down call was refuc*kingdoculous
  16. C

    Canes v. UVA

    Play calling is ***