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  1. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    It’s the analyst in him that talks so much. It just doesn’t translate to the next game. He needs to watch BellyCheck talk after a game, and learn how much info is really good for fan consumption.
  2. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    I have no problem with that.
  3. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    I have. In my contractual work, when it wasn’t up to standard, I have refused to get paid for it. I hold everyone to the same standards I live by.
  4. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    I did not crown him. I praised him for the first 3 - 4 plays he called. Then his play calling choked, and Ive called it numerous times. So, I don’t know who “You guys” is, but I’m not one of them. You should read my posts and if you find one crowning him, I’ll gladly plead mea culpa, I’m not...
  5. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    This is what I’m talking about. But some bright minds around here wanna talk about his contractual agreements to go throw kids under the bus On radio. Lol!
  6. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    Okay. Very convincing.
  7. Unsider

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/07/19

    Actually people get it. It’s just that if I was doing a ****** job, I would decline a paycheck till I got it right. He’s not getting paid to learn how to coach, he’s getting paid to coach. Period. What’s there to talk about on a radio show, when you got nothing to show for? And, if you do, the...