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  1. classiccane12

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    UM has had an internal battle of their identity for a long time. Its like the admin is afraid to just be who we are. It's kind of interesting, and sad, how to outsiders looking in Miami appears to be the take no crap, us against the world, confident bravado filled school but inside the admin...
  2. classiccane12

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    I just think he was just focusing on the academic aspect and alluded to his Mexican heritage to show that he maybe doesn't know too much about futbol Americano. Or other American sports. And Mexico isnt a race. Edit: But in this case poster is a pos for other reasons
  3. classiccane12

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    It makes total sense now that you think about it. First time I'm genuinely embarrassed for the university.