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  1. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    How short is mannys leash? who would be looked at to replace him
  2. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    why not bring in meyer here?
  3. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    Curious... whats yalls stance on.. Urban meyer Butch Davis Mike Leach Dino Babers
  4. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    Well seeing as your lower than the coffee ***** on the totem pole you dont even come close to calling any shots. but seriously get a new job im sure it’s embarrassing explaining how youve wasted 7 years of your life trolling an internet message board that your not a fan of....
  5. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    Your account has been active since 2012... jesus man you should look for a new job lol
  6. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    Must suck to be nark having to follow a message board to report to your bosses... couldnt even make you the coffee *****
  7. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    Lol sure if that makes you feel tough over an internet message board.
  8. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    heres another nark for the school lol
  9. TexasCane90

    Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

    its a made up position to give her more money and beef up her resume