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  1. Insanecane

    If N'Kosi Perry was the Starter going into the Season Miami would be 5-0 or 4-1 at Worse.

    VT played bump and run cover 0 and absolutely shut Jarren Down. CMU actually did the same thing. Teams got him figured out. He rarely throws deep and is woefully inaccurate when he does so teams just stack the box and blitz up the middle. I could draw up a defense to beat Jarren without much...
  2. Insanecane

    If N'Kosi Perry was the Starter going into the Season Miami would be 5-0 or 4-1 at Worse.

    Jarren is terrible. Defense's have him figured out. Play cover 0 to shut down the run, squat on slants, blitz the A gap, stop the screen...profit.