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  1. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    Yeah that last play kosi was late..but I didn’t like the play that instance I’m spreading it out..or going bunch to create a one v one matchup..the formation we ran UVA just bracketed it
  2. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    He threw the ball 47 times lmao..down 28 do realize the whole defensive mindset for va tech blowouts you see that all the time, garbage yards. So the stats don’t impress me like that because I realize what I’m watching and take it with a grain of salt..we should’ve walked...
  3. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    He’s not immensely better lol, that’s the thing. Jarren, for whatever reason played uncharacteristically bad..3 picks in 6 throws isn’t who jarren is. We know that. Along with the fact if you look at each throw independently, none were of the bad decision matter who the QB is the...
  4. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    I’d agree with all this. I’d say the oline was bad..but not trash today
  5. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    Yes, like I said kosi played admirably..jarren **** the bed and threw some uncharacteristic ducks. the fist one looked like a PI imo. 50/50, the deep ball was under thrown terribly, the last one he was hit and had nothing behind it..but kosi starting isn’t changing life for this offense, I wish...
  6. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    Kosi should’ve had a couple balls picked and ran the wrong play twice lol..we need to find a ******* kicker’s ridiculous at this point. Let Baxa be the kickoff specialist and long distance guy if needed..but as far as anything 35 and in put the next guy in..that unsportsmanlike was...
  7. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    kosi did a great job in relief..but this doesn’t change anything for me..he didn’t make throws that made me think he’s better than jarren..just a weird *** game
  8. 305to954

    Kosi Hive Part 2

    Nooo absolutely not lmao..all I learned is we still need a Oline..even b4 the announcement I’d say something is up with Jarrens shoulder..he took a shot that CMU game..all in all we ****ed