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  1. brock

    Issiah Walker

    He just might, who knows. I know he likes LSU a lot but I’m sure there is always going to be some affinity for the u especially considering his pops loves Miami so much
  2. brock

    Issiah Walker

  3. brock

    Issiah Walker

    He came into Miami injured, finally healthy
  4. brock

    Issiah Walker

    Players progress you know
  5. brock

    Issiah Walker

    Why wait until fall? We WONT get another tackle prospect as good as him in the next 4 years.,.
  6. brock

    Issiah Walker

    Shouldn’t even be a decision to make. He’d be one of the 3 most talented lineman we have as soon as he stepped foot on campus
  7. brock

    Issiah Walker

    **** of an athlete but I dont Think he’s that good tbh. Looked terrible at plenty of events