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  1. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    He’s not healthy, but he’s healthy enough for full speed collisions on STs. This staff is vomit.
  2. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    I saw him blocking on JT’s long punt return. Other than that, I didn’t see him.
  3. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    I think JW is gimpy after that savage beating cmu put on him. Wouldn’t be surprised if VT gets a few free runs at him and finishes him off. A QB can only take so many killshots where defenders drive him into the ground with their full body weight.
  4. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    Yeah because our QB hasn’t been getting hit without Lingard in the game. Pugsley from CMU got a free run at Jarren and bellyflopped on him in the end zone. Busted Jarren up pretty badly too. Lingard was nowhere near the field on that or any of the other kill shots that have been levied on him...
  5. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    Funny thing is our opponents know their plays and our plays. But our coaches think our **** is so complex our players can’t get it.
  6. The Franchise

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    Consistently, UM leads the world in 4 and 5 stars that the coaches are too scared to play. Instead of seeing Lingard as a tremendous weapon who might give us something Harris wasn’t against sorry *** CMU we need a gigantic lead against that **** pile to play him. WE live in a constant state of...