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  1. NE Canes

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    wait.... So what you are saying is that Manny, Enos and the offense is so awful that it does not matter how they may try and use him? You don't know what he would do if he is not the primary back??? Have you ever seen a back field with more than one RB....does one run the ball and the other...
  2. NE Canes

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    So..... I know it is really outside the box and weird but maybe you don't put him in as the primary back....just a thought. I mean even video gamers could come up with that one.
  3. NE Canes

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    Exactly. If he can't block don't put him in there to block. There are dozens of ways to get him the ball where he does not even have to be the primary back. It is just stupid and just shows how limited the thinking is here.
  4. NE Canes

    Diaz updates team after Wed. drills, speaks on Lingard

    The really sad part will be watching Enos have no answer for it.